"--> "--> [an error occurred while processing this directive]LABYRINTH FISH[an error occurred while processing this directive] Pygmy Gourami - Trichopsis pumila
Dwarf Croaking Gourami, Green Croaking Gourami, Pygmy Gourami, Pygmy Purring Gourami []
Trichopsis pumila
Synonyms: Ctenops pumilus
Physical description: An elongated, laterally compressed fish with a pointed caudal fin. The back is beige, as are the lower parts. A brown transverse stripe extends from the snout to the caudal fin. Above this is a white stripe, and above that markings is a broken brown band. The flanks also have a green iridescence. The outer parts of the iris of the eye is orange, while the inner iris may be blue. The fins are colorful, being light blue in color with red spots. The fins are edged with red and blue.
Size/Length: To 1.5" (4 cm)
Similar species: Other Trichopsis species.
Habitat: Inhabits small vegetation choked ponds, canals, and puddles in Southeast Asia; Sumatra, Thailand, Vietnam
S: middle
Aquarium: A tank measuring 16" (41 cm) with a capacity of 5 gallons (19 L) is sufficient for a pair. The tank should be heavily planted And include a cover of floating plants. Provide hiding places among rocks and wood, and use a dark substrate.
Water chemistry: pH 5.5-7 (6.6), 2-10 dH (6), 77-82° (25-28°C)
Social behavior: A timid, peaceful species that can be combined with other small, calm fish. Males are aggressive in defending their territory at spawning times.
Suggested companions: Tetras, Corydoras, Colisa, Trichopsis, Pangio, Loricarids
FOOD: Live; insect larvae, Drosophila, crustaceans, Tubifex; flakes
Sexual differences: Males have a more elongated dorsal fin.
Breeding techniques: The male builds a bubble nest under a large leaf. This nest is small and inconspicuous. During spawning, when the fish embrace, croaking noises can be heard. Each embrace produces a small number of eggs. This procedure lasts until 70-180 eggs are produced. These are guarded by the male. Remove the female at this point. The eggs hatch after 44-48 hours. The fry remain in the nest for two additional eggs. Start feeding with infusoria and roftiers.
Breeding potential: 7. Breeding is fairly difficult.
Remarks: This species is sensitive to changes in pH, so water changes should be frequent and partial.
Difficulty of care: 5. This peaceful species is a bit too sensitive to be recommended for the beginning aquariast.
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